How to Choose The Best Platform For Building A Mobile App in 2024

It’s challenging to create a successful mobile application. The first decision you must make is which mobile operating system to use. If you’re reading this article, you’re undoubtedly having trouble making one of the important decisions in app development: how to select the ideal platform for building a mobile app. Is it better to use native mobile apps or cross-platform solutions? Is it still worthwhile to deal with Windows and Blackberry Phone in this day and age? Is it wiser to concentrate on 800-pound gorillas like iOS and Android? If that’s the case, which of the remaining two platforms should you start with, Android or iOS? Is it possible to have both?
These are some of the questions that may have brought you here. So, here are some tips. In this post, we’ll look at the advantages of each of the most common approaches: native iOS and Android development.
Let’s see some of the points you need to focus on when choosing the best platform for building a mobile app:
Table of Contents
1. Features

img source: lynda.com
Consider the essential features and the user experience, and compare them to the platform’s capabilities. Consider solutions like iOS, Android, and Windows Phone if you want to create a custom app with a native appearance and feel. Native apps are always the best. They are extremely user-friendly and deliver a superior overall experience.
You should choose a cross-platform development for your product if you prefer the “run once, run everywhere” approach. However, keep in mind that cross-platform solutions may not cover all of the functionality that may be simply implemented natively.
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2. Target Audience

img source: ventureharbour.com
When selecting a platform, keep your target audience in mind. Create a client profile based on your findings. Pay special attention to geographic factors, as they might be the most important to you. Platforms differ a lot depending on where you are. If you opt to focus on Europe, keep in mind that Android devices are preferred by the majority of Europeans over iPhones.
3. App Security

img source: thesoftwarereport.com
There are a variety of security flaws in various systems. In comparison to the far more open Android platform, iOS tends to be more closed and safe.
4. Devices to be supported

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There are 160 Android devices that are supported. Apple has a different strategy than Android in terms of increasing this number. Their most recent iOS 9 software supports 15 devices, including various iPad, iPhone, and iPod models.
When comparing these two market leaders, it’s clear that developing an app for each device will be difficult. At the moment, Windows Phone 8.1 is supported by 100 devices, whilst Blackberry is only supported by Windows 10. When it comes to the final two OS, you should keep in mind that their future is uncertain.
They are not supported by some of the popular apps like WhatsApp. When creating a cross-platform app, you’ll need to adapt it to all of those devices at the same time.
5. Expectation of User’s

img source: zooma.se
Users have different expectations from apps on their devices based on the platform and the creator. Consider their wishes so that they will be satisfied with your app. Apple, for example, is well-known for its quality and inventions.
The brand’s fans are extremely committed and loyal to the company’s services, and they demand the apps they use to have a trendy look and high usability. They are eager to be the first to adopt new technologies and are willing to spend more to do so. Users of Android apps are more hesitant. They are averse to paying for mobile apps or any in-app purchases.
Let’s see some of the advantages and disadvantages of each development platform. Let’s get started.
1. Native Applications

img source: pixeledapps.com
Native applications are speedy and dependable; they are designed for a certain platform and make use of all of the device’s features, including the GPS, camera, users’ address book, push notifications, and so on.
Access to the entire range and versatility of native SDK; ability to work offline; efficient use of phone resources (battery, memory); when designing native apps, you get a unique UI for each platform. But it also has disadvantages like it has comparatively high development costs, particularly when supporting many platforms; much lengthier development process etc.
2. Hybrid Applications

img source: arrkgroup.com
Hybrid applications combine the benefits of both native and web applications, such as cross-platform compatibility and the ability to utilize the phone’s software. Hybrid mobile applications are easier to develop because the entire code is written once for all platforms; lower development costs and, as a result, cheaper and easier support – change something once, and it changes everywhere; It is simple to import to any device. Some of the disadvantages include:
The user interface will be less refined than that of a native application, resulting in a negative user experience.
Limited access to device functions: photographs, gyroscope, geolocation, and others; making them available is a difficult process.
Final Verdict
It’s simple to make a decision; it all depends on the goals you want to achieve and the features you need to run your mobile app. If your app’s job necessitates the use of devices with a lot of functionality or where the rate of information processing is critical (games, social networks, geolocation services, photo exchange services, and so on), you’ll need to create a native app.
If work speed isn’t very important, and the user merely requires information from the mobile Internet, a hybrid application is an excellent choice. Hybrid applications can also be utilized as prototypes to gauge how users will react to your concept and receive feedback.
Cross-platform programs have a hybrid feature comparable to this. If your interface does not support intricate animation or computations, you must swiftly test your concept in the market. If you are willing to put up with interface issues and other issues, a cross-platform application will suffice.