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Top 10 Most Expensive WoW Mounts You Can Buy From Vendors

Top 10 Most Expensive WoW Mounts You Can Buy From Vendors

World of Warcraft features well over 600 mounts you can collect as of the latest expansion, Shadowlands. This is ignoring any unobtainable mounts or mounts that you can only get from the Black Market Auction House or third-party sources. In other words, 600+ regular in-game mounts. If you’re new to WoW Shadowlands and want to get into mount collecting now, you’ve got a long road ahead of you but acquiring most, if not all of them, is not an impossible task if you put in enough time and effort. Especially since a good chunk of these mounts are pretty easy to get.

If you’ve got a good amount of gold at your disposal you can straight up buy around 25 or so mounts from various vendors found in the game without any hassles. In this article we’re going to take a look at the 10 most expensive ones. It’s worth noting that these mounts don’t have any reputation, race or class requirements. For the most part, all you really need is gold. We’re not including auction house mounts either.

Since all these mounts are quite expensive, we recommend you go ahead and buy wow gold to click here from a reputable website like LootWowGold in order to speed up the process. Otherwise, you would need to grind for months to be able to afford all of them. With that out of the way, let’s start with some of the more affordable ones and work our way up from there.

10. Reins of the Wooly Mammoth – 10,000 Gold



Mammoth mounts were introduced back in Wrath of the Lich King and there are a couple of different variants to choose from. Only two of which can be purchased directly with gold. You can get your hands on the Reins of the Wooly Mammoth from Mel Francis in the Northrend version of Dalaran for the meager price of 10,000 gold. Even better, if you’re Exalted with the Kirin Tor the price drops down to just 8,000 gold. A real bargain for such an iconic mount.

9. Rocktusk Battleboar – 10,000 Gold



Also for 10,000 gold, though no discounts this time, we have the Rocktusk Battleboar. There are plenty of other WoW mounts that look just like this, so the Rocktusk Battleboar isn’t too special in the grand scheme of things. However, it is by far the easiest to get since it doesn’t have any reputation requirements or random drop chance. Simply go to your Garrison in Warlords of Draenor and find Trader Araanda if you’re Alliance or Trader Darakk if you’re Horde and get yourself the mount.

8. Reins of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth – 20,000 Gold


Next up we have the second mammoth mount on this list and by far the most useful one. Similar to the Wooly Mammoth, you can easily get the Reins of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth from Mel Francis in old Dalaran. This one costs twice as much at 20,000 gold but you can get the price down to 16K if you’re Exalted with the Kirin Tor. But even 20K is honestly very cheap in WoW Shadowlands and the price is well worth it because the mount can hold up to 3 players and comes complete with two vendors, including one that lets you repair your gear. Arguably the most useful mount in the game at this price point.

7. Winterhide Cliffstomper – 20,000 Gold


The Winterhide Cliffstomper isn’t as useful as the previous mount on our list but its size is just as impressive. Just like the Rocktusk Battleboar, this one is also available at your Garrison vendor and doesn’t have any special requirements. Back in Warlords of Draenor when it was introduced, the Winterhide Cliffstomper was considered among the most expensive WoW mounts that din’t come with any interesting functionality. However, it’s still not nearly as expensive as the next mount on our list.

6. Mosshide Riverwallow – 50,000 Gold


The Mosshide Riverwallow is a pretty controversial mount and it’s easy to see why. You would expect this mount to have some sort of special feature given its high price tag, but unfortunately that’s not the case. The only interesting thing about it is the fact that it’s the only Riverbeast mount you can straight-up buy with gold anytime you want. There are no reputation requirements, however, you will need 5,000 Apexis Crystals in addition to the 50,000 gold. Once you have everything, you can get yourself the mount from Dawn-Seeker Alkset in Warspear if you’re Horde or Dawn-Seeker Krek in Stormshield if you’re Alliance.

5. Champion’s Treadblade – 100,000 Gold

The Champion’s Threadblade is one of the few unique WoW vendor mounts available exclusively to a specific faction. In this case, the Alliance. The chopper mount was created a few years back as part of a special promotion and has a Horde counterpart known as the Warlord’s Deathwheel. But while the Deathwheel was given away to Horde players for free, Alliance players had to purchase theirs, which seemed like a bad deal at the time. Eventually, though, Horde players got the short end of the stick because the ability to acquire the Warlord’s Deathwheel was removed completely after the promotion ended. Meanwhile, Alliance players can still buy their chopper, albeit at a fairly steep price.

4. Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak – 120,000 Gold

The Grand Expedition Yak is one of the most beloved WoW mounts around, and has been for many years now. With this mount you get the benefits of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth in the form of a repair/vendor NPC plus an additional NPC that acts as a transmogrifier. With transmogs being all the rage these days, the Grand Expedition Yak is an absolute must have for any serious collector. You can grab the mount from Uncle Bigpocket who lives in Kun-Lai Summit quite close from where the Sha of Anger spawns. Uncle Bigpocket also sells two other yak mounts for only 3,000 gold each, however, these ones don’t come with any special features.

3. Marsh Hoppers – 333,000 Gold

We’re including all three vendor Marsh Hoppers added in Battle for Azeroth because they’re essentially different color variants of the same mount. With the release of Shadowlands, these mounts have become less sought after because you can easily acquire a similar frog mount that drops from a rare mob in Ardenweald. But if you have gold to spare, you can get the three original frog mounts from Gottum in Nazmir for no less than 333,000 gold, each. That’s almost 1 million gold for all three.

2. Reins of the Palehide Direhorn – 500,000 Gold

The Palehide Hirehorn is one of the most unjustifiably expensive WoW mounts ever released. In essence, it’s just a recolor of one of the many direhorn mounts available even before the release of Battle for Azeroth. The mount doesn’t have any special features so you are literally paying half a million gold just for a recolor. But if you think it’s worth it, you can get yourself the mount from Talutu if you’re playing Horde or Tricky Nick if you’re playing Alliance.

1. Bloodfang Widow – 2 Million Gold

And at number one we have the most expensive World of Warcraft mount acquirable by regular means, the Bloodfang Widow. For a long time this was the only spider mount in the game and very few people had it due to its high cost. Shadowlands introduced a new armored spider mount for PvP Season 1, making the Bloodfang Widow a little less unique now. But the original spider is still pretty cool regardless and you can buy it from The Mad Merchant in the Wonderworks Toy Shop in the Legion version of Dalaran, provided you’re swimming in gold. The vendor has a random spawn timer so you’ll want to check later if he’s not there on your first visit.

Honorable Mentions

Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur

We couldn’t do a list of most expensive WoW mounts without mentioning the longboi. The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur used to be purchasable for the ridiculous sum of 5 million gold until the release of the Shadowlands pre-patch. You can no longer buy the mount from vendors now, however, it does show up occasionally on the Black Market Auction House. The bad news is that it usually costs even more than 5 mil to buy it from there.

Lightforged Warframe

Easily one of the most unique WoW mounts currently available, the Lightforged Warframe was introduced in Legion for a whopping 500,000 gold. The reason why we didn’t include it in the main list is because you’ll need to be Exalted with the Army of Light in order to buy it. Getting there is a bit of a hassle if you haven’t played during Legion but the effort is well worth it given how cool this mount is.

Battle for Azeroth Reputation Mounts

Similar to the Lightforged Warframe, there are several other expensive Battle for Azeroth mounts you can buy once you reach Exalted with various factions. The same can be said about Shadowlands. But while the Shadowlands mounts will only cost you 30K each, which is still a lot for some players, many of the Battle for Azeroth reputation mounts cost 90K a piece and one of them will set you back more than 524K gold. It’s easy to see why Battle for Azeroth was the biggest gold sink when you combine that with the Brutosaur, frog mounts, Palehide Direhorn and all the other purchasable mounts added in the expansion.

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