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Best Free Online File Converter [Unlimited File Size]

Best Free Online File Converter [Unlimited File Size]

In search of a best file converter? You can find many on the web, but none of them are 100% free to use. Many of the popular tools like Zamzar has restriction to upload a file, one can only upload a file below 50MB which is very low. 

If your file is large you have to pay for the tool, almost every tool available on the web uses the same strategy to grab customers. No worries we are here to help you save your money by recommending you the 100% free online file converter tool.

Internet is filled with multiple file converter tools, but all of the work properly. Only few tools are available that work perfectly, but they charge money or have restrictions to upload a heavy file size. 

Their is no file converter tool available on the internet which is 100% free, except the one. 

Recently we have a found a tool when browsing the web. I was shocked to see that the tool was 100% free to use for everyone who is available on the internet. It do not have any restriction of uploading a file.

This tool is named as “”. You can find the tool here free file converter or you can visit the URL: “”

Before that let us know more about which, is the best online free file converter tool.

What is used for? is a tools available on the web. These tools provides service of converting one file type to another format.

As you might know every type of file has various formats. For example, below is a small list of formats for image file.

  • JPEG
  • SVG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • TIFF
  • WEBP

Every file format has it’s own uniqueness. Therefore, you can’t use the same file format for every work. Here comes the need of free file converter tools, as I mentioned before is the only 100% free option available on the web. With you can change the format of a any file. 

For example, you can convert a JPEG Image format to PNG Image format with

Why is the best tool?

why is the best tool

To answer  this you should know, what makes a best free file converter tool? is a completely free to use file converter tool available on the internet. This tool has no restriction on uploading a file. You can upload unlimited size of files  and easily get it converted to any format you like, without any problem.

Here is why is the best free online file converter.

  • 100% free to use (no charges)
  • Unlimited file converters
  • No restriction on uploading a heavy file size
  • Completely safe to use
  • Perfectly working tool

These are some of the points that make the best free online file converter.

The best thing with is it is completely free and also safe to use, unlike many other tools. You will find other file converter tools on internet, but are they really safe?

In my opinion they are not. Many file converter tools store all the files you upload for converting the format, later they can use the file as they like. Think if that file has some private information likes passwords, you can get in trouble. 

Therefore is the best option available to convert files online that too for free. It is safe and secure as well. VS Zamzar

As you are reading this you already know about, I think many of the people reading this also know about Zamzar afterall it is a popular file converter tool.

Here we are going to compare with Zamzar and let you guys know which one is the best and free online file converter to use online.



Number of free converts

 Only 2 convert in a day

Unlimited Converts

Maximum File Size for free

50 MB

Unlimited file size

Working perfectly



Price & Plans


No paid plans

Quick conversion 



Instant file download



Over all rating for free usage

As you can check in the table given above when using the free plan you can only convert files 2 time a day with Zamzar. This is not what free means.

On the other hand  gives you unlimited converts as much as you are in need of. Zamzar has a upload limited to 50MB for free you can not exceed that, but with you can upload unlimited size of file as you need.

Zamzar and other online file converter tools take money for the service, which is offered for free by The price these other online file convert tools demand is from $9-$200 per month.

Therefore you should save your money by using


best online file converter conclusion

In this post I’ve mentioned the best free online file converter tool ( The reason to write this blog was to make people aware about the free file converter available on internet and save their money. I have compared it with one of the popular file converter tool. 

You can check the comparison above.

Let me know what you think about by commenting down.

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