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4 Signs Your Conversion Rates Are Low and What to Do

4 Signs Your Conversion Rates Are Low and What to Do

Keeping up with market trends is extremely important for business. If we talk about conversion rates dropping low, it can spell doom for your company. The best way to tackle this situation is to identify when the conversion rate is low and immediately take steps to mitigate the situation. In the article we will be talking about the major signs that screen conversion rate optimisation.

The performance of your site needs to improve in order to encourage client engagement by increasing visitors. Typically the optimisation process includes not only increasing engagement but also allowing people to make actions like purchasing your product or services directly from the website.

Other actions can be subscribing to new updates or liking a block that you put up. So let us check out some science that will tell you if your conversion rate is low. Within the points mentioned below we will also tell you how to improve your conversion rates.

Your Website Has Not Been Upgraded

The content of the website needs to be constantly upgraded in order to engage more and more people and improve the search engine optimization. Any search engine typically pushes back older content and presents only newer content in terms of relevancy. The reason why a lot of big companies invest in constant introduction of blogs is because they want to show up in multiple searches in their niche.

Upgrading a site not only includes changing the content and making it more recent. One also needs to make changes in terms of relevancy to show up and more searches. Other than that, introducing testimonials and brand related information on the website can improve your conversion rate and make people click within the site for more information.

Your Website was Recently Upgraded


This is the polar opposite of the previous point which is why it is important to mention. One might think that making changes on the website content can have a positive impact. However, it is not always possible because different strategies for website upgrade have different results.

The theme, content, and presentation might not agree with the traffic your website usually sees. It can lead to more people clicking away from your site which can lead to low conversion rates. Everyone has a different idea of what an attractive layout looks like. Finding a balance between professionalism and an attention grabbing theme is essential. A way in which you can prevent this problem is by doing a beta test.

It will be beneficial as people can give you reviews on how well the new layout works and whether it will be something they would want to engage with. If you have already upgraded your site, you might need to do some more work so that the new design attracts customers just as you planned. You can easily get more information with SandBox.

Website has Traffic

Even if your website has traffic, it does not translate to your conversion rates being high. Even if you are investing in search engine optimization, it does not guarantee enough revenue to stay afloat. One of the biggest confusions can be good traffic on the website but a low conversion rate.

If such a situation is coming forth one needs to change their approach to how they want to attract customers. Your website might have a good user interface and amazing design but it does not mean that people are staying long enough to look at your products and services. When users come to your site and immediately switch to another one it increases the website’s bounce rate.

Having a high bounce rate is not a good thing because search engines usually decrease visibility of a web page. Since interaction is only for a click a search engine will decrease the organic search ranking which will then in turn impact the traffic that you were previously getting. An excellent way to reduce this is to do a step by step strategy which allows you to understand what is causing this bounce.

Use a heat map to check how the site responds when a new user clicks on it. Additionally one can also look at specific web pages within the website that are causing a high bounce rate. It will help you streamline a solution through funnel analysis which will optimise the user experience to a great degree. If everything goes when you can expect the conversion rates to go back up.

Customer Psychology Doesn’t Add Up


Website design is usually impacted by how a company analyses customers psychology and behaviour. As a business you have a certain customer demographic. Profiling people in that demographic allows for creating specialised solutions that cater to their needs.

A big problem in this case is when your customers’ psychology analysis is not adding up to how the traffic on your website is behaving. Imbalance in customers psychology and actual behaviour can cause low conversion rates. This happens because your website is supposed to interact with customers in a certain way.

If the customer’s behaviour does not align with the vision of the business you will be having a hard time in improving revenue. If you have figured out this to be the problem, running a heatmap test is the easiest way to mitigate all issues. You can easily change the way you are analysing your customers to get more clicks and engagement from your website.

The Takeaway

We have mentioned four of the most common signs to help you tackle low conversion rates. One should be ready with immediate solutions in order to improve customer engagement the moment it drops. Website upgrades are essential in keeping the customers interested. The designer theme is important but the user experience is more essential to factor in while trying to improve revenue through multiple web pages. Heatmap tests, proper analysis and renewing older content are some of the easiest ways to improve search engine optimisation as well as conversion rates.

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